Bright triangle-shaped was caught on tape in the sky above Piotrków, Poland on 7th December 2020.
Witness report: Submitting on behalf of my friend, who’s also a trainee pilot and his partner. Object spotted by his partner first, who thought there’s something burning, then thought its a moon, but excluded that possibility after observing moon on a different spot in the sky. Object hovered for a long time, pulsating slightly. At some point blinked and disappeared. then reappeared again with its twin for a moment (there were two of them at the same time for a brief moment) and just disappeared for good after another 20 min or so of hovering there. Aerial map of the spot attached.

Looks good, more video evidence…
Good steady video. Wonder if anyone else got footage?
MAN: Ja pierdole – I F it
WOMAN: (unknowvoice)
WOMAN: Może to księżyc? – maybe it’s the moon?
MAN: Widziałaś kiedyś taki księżyc? – Have you ever seen a moon like that?
WOMAN: Nie – No
MAN: Weź iPhon’em kręć – take an iphone to shoot
WOMAN: Ale tu nie widać nic – But you can’t see anything here
looks like the moon taken through trees. I have taken similar photos.