The US Office of the Director of National Intelligence will release a landmark report based on the work of a US Navy-led task force established by the Pentagon in August 2020 examining unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) incidents. US Senator Marco Rubio was instrumental in commissioning the report, ordered as part of broader legislation passed in 2020. Retired Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich experienced a UAP incident in 2004, and has spoken to the media about it and her thoughts on the upcoming report.

I have no doubt this Pilot has no knowledge of what this may be she has seen but no way are all the powers that be, all over the world, clueless to exactly what these objects are and who is operating them all. If FDR came crashing down on my head from Heaven and swore on his own soul he didn’t know when he was alive what UAPS were I would tell Jesus FDR told a lie.