UFOs over Murray, Kentucky 19-Nov-2021 November 20, 2021 LUFOS Latest posts, N. America, UFO videos 1 These bright UFOs were filmed in the sky above Murray in Kentucky on 19th November 2021. Your opinion? Witness report: Orange orbs started off with one up to ten viewable. Sorry about the language ? Your opinion?Real (10)Not Alien (7)Fake (1) 2021KentuckyUSA
I saw it too but it was moving much faster & in pursuit about 3 minutes later were 2 military jets. This was over lake Barkley in Lyon Co around 5:45-5:55pm on the 19th Reply
I saw it too but it was moving much faster & in pursuit about 3 minutes later were 2 military jets. This was over lake Barkley in Lyon Co around 5:45-5:55pm on the 19th