This UFO video was filmed back in August 5th 2019 but it was just today submitted to MUFON’s website. It happened over Cincinnati, OH.
Witness report: We were driving to the grocery store when turning into the lot I thought I saw a black plane or helicopter. I wasn’t sure what since I was driving but when we turned my 15 yr old daughter and I both saw the 4 white lights hovering in the mostly cloudless evening sky. There were some high thin clouds but no inclement weather. There were 4 white circular orbs just hovering silently. We parked and she immediately got out of the car and began recording from her I Phone. During that time the orbs continued to hover and occasionally blink out and back. Eventually a 5th orb appeared out if nowhere. We quit recording because they just took off to the northeast and we couldn’t keep up. They were gone.

Real and alien for sure not a triangle is. E.T. triangle is our goverment usually although there is a race with triangles.
Monsieur ,
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