Huge bright UFO was seen and filmed over Manila, the capital of the Philippines on 29th December 2021.
Witness report: Sitting on my balcony I noticed small bright white object flying in a NE direction, maybe 1-2 kilometres from me. It was remarkable because it’s appearance was different from the planes and helicopters I see in the area and the way it flew was definitely not like those.
Flying NE it went into some clouds and I lost sight of it. That was the 12 second video I caught. Later when on re-examining the video close up I could see the object had actually turned right shortly after emitting some kind of pulse.
Three minutes later I looked up and the object had re-appeared and was heading west. It seemed to emit another pulse, stopped and then hovered for a few seconds before continuing on west. The object almost went directly over my building so I could see it emitting a glowing, yellowish light from underneath. There seemed to be a slight haze around the object.
I checked FlightAware and there were no commercial flights in that area at that time.
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