Strange lights were recorded in the sky above Phoenix in Arizona on 14th February 2022. Another episode of famous Phoenix lights?
Witness report: With the binocs I could see they were flickering different colors like a juul in party mode when it goes all rainbowy. Some would move apart from the spot they were staying in and then come back. We drove to get closer and then it was just one light and that disappeared eventually. I’m skeptical and was just talking today about how skeptical I am of stuff people say they see in the sky and then this happened lol. Thought they might be lanterns till I saw through the binocs. I’d like to see the footage you got. It’d be cool to see that wheel drawing in the sky. This was recorded with an iPhone 13 zoomed into the horizon at night. We were south of Maricopa, Arizona facing north towards Maricopa and Phoenix at 7:51. The lights were flickering different colors and appearing and disappearing. Lasted about 20 minutes. I had binocs and could see them clearer than this video.

If you notice there seems to be a blinking light off to the right, that light keeps pace with the UFO’s that are on the backside of it. so, it looks to me like the blinking lights are being trailed by a aircraft so I say that this is NOT REAL!
surely that wouldn’t be starlink?
Most likely covert aerospace vehicle testing
Looks legit. Probably Lockheed, Northrup Grumman – one of the aerospace concerns who have done black artificial gravity propulsion for the Navy (Pais patents). This area is known for testing these vehicles, although there is also a legacy of off-worlders in the area.
Real and that is alien.
This is obviously one of our technologies that is being kept hidden from us. A fake alien invasion is in the works, and this is a prelude.
Note the deep black halos in the still picture. See:
If you notice, the lights follow closely behind the blinking light on the right. Looks like the lights are being towed like a banner would be. in my opinion it’s fake!
why is the lights not moving with the background? im calling this fake.. just watch the traffic. the light and the traffic isnt shaking but the made up black background is always shaking.
total BS
Why is it that everything else is shaking, but the lights aren’t?
Two items seem questionable. 1. The lights, which appear sharp due to the camera focus on the window and the out of focus, jittery and wandering background. 2.The lack of time dilation activity in the lights flight paths and no visible “blue” Cherenkov radiation.