These UFOs were filmed over Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma on 17th March 2022 after A 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits northern Japan.
Let me know your opinion about this UFO sighting in the comments!
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Link: youtube.com/c/LUFOS-UFO

Was this filmed by a news crew?
As usual we see UFOs where there are earthquakes and wars also diasters are they watching or causing these things to happen dont know but i hope not i have always thought UFOs to be friendly as the must be so much more advanced than us somtimes it makes me wonder if there is inteligent life on this planet!!!
I think they look more like Angels, their shape and the way they huddle.
Cleaning up more of our pollution, we are hugely indebted to our space visitors.
Tere. Aet Narusberg väga korras maailmaruumi ufo alien abduction varsti 2033 november 30 hiljem nädal alien????????
Aet väga tubli!
Acho que trata-se de monitoramento. Se não existisse usina atômica em Fukushima não haveria interesse da parte dos ovnis ou de quem os controla. Manipular o átomo deve ser extremamente perigoso.
Aet Narusberg väga tore!
372511970453 proovi.
Alien ufo varstin!
This was debunked already. A kid with after effects and one of the flare paks.
Aet Narusberg ikka rõõmus
Aet Narusberg ikka rõõmus???? tore!
kallis Aet väga tubli 2033 november 30 hiljem nädal korras
Aet helistasin 37251970453!
Darth Talon
Aliens kallis Aet naerab varsti????
Aet helistasin???? alien rääkis photo. Arvutin!
Aet helistasin???? alien rääkima.
Aet 51970453
Alien ???? kallistan Aet Narusberg.
Ufo space vaatame.
When will we be introduced to the galactic community?