Here’s one interesting UFO footage of a two huge solid UFOs flying across the sky above Scotland city East Kilride. This happened on 9th September 2022.
Witness report: I recorded this on my Sony Xperia 5, in East Kilbride, Scotland on 10th of September 2022 at 8pm. There are two objects in the sky, moving at a steady speed. They were not massive, I reckon about the size of a jeep, maybe twice that size at most. Definitely smaller than a plane and alot bigger than a Drone. They had no lights, no wings, no windows and no propellers. They also were completely silent. The objects looked alot bigger in real life. In the video the objects appear to be black but in real life they had a similar color to a cloud, not quite white but not quite grey. They looked to have a sphere or tic tac shape. They looked solid and metallic. They seemed to have some smoke coming out of them sometimes but was hard to know if it was just them moving through clouds, causing an effect that looked like smoke. In terms of height, they were flying about twice the height of a typical city building, definitely lower than a plane would travel in.

Not good, My Grandfather was born in Scotland, I am Neil McIntyre living in Australia.
I was 12 years old in the City of Shepperton Victoria Australia, when a UFO landed up against a post ” sideways” about 5 feet away from my mate and I= it was there 5 minutes.
What we did saved our lives in my opinion, and I firmly believe our actions were 101 % far better than Travis Walton in the USA who was abducted into a UFO. Nobody on earth teach ” Safety” near a UFO, BUT I can! If you are interested, contact me by letter.
My closeup UFO incident, has had worldwide media attention= and even since 1956 there
has been “9 UFO abductions in the World”, YET, Governments in Australia, turn a blind eye. = What we did beside that UFO, in my opinion, SAVED us, from being abducted, and I am happy to visit SCOTLAND, should you feel this is necessary.
P>S> Remember the USA told lies about UFO s& Aliens for decades & since apologized.
Standing near, or close to a UFO, & Aliens = without this knowledge is dangerous!
Kindly write to me at PO Box 1962 Southport 4215 GC Qld Australia.
Dear Sir-I cannot think of anything more important for people, if they are in areas where “UFO sightings” have been reported=I feel the USA should be ashamed of themselves for taking their views, about UFO s & Aliens, because every time over decades, when I made an attempt to tell people of my UFO close up experience, they looked at me as if “I fell off the top of a roof, and landed on my head….as the USA headlines claimed “they don t exist”, all over the world, hoping their comments would avoid “World panic”.=the USA have NO excuse, for acting like that.
I saw something similar 12 years ago looking south towards cathkin braes\EK area. I saw a black sphere 11th august this year looking into Fife from Edinburgh. It had a pulsing light until it turned east showing 2 pulsing lights disappearing after a few minutes . It must have been seen by a few other people, 4.15 on a busy afternoon.
Hello, I got to this page bc I was looking if anybody else in area where I live saw what I saw. I live in Croydon PA, USA. Last Friday, Sept 9th, shortly after sunset, but it was still quite bright, before 8pm I guess, I sat outside to look at the beautiful full moon. I often look at the sky, there are a lot of planes with blinking white and red lights crossing the sky. Then I saw this-rectangular white object, like a white light moving up in the sky, left, then a bit right, not like other planes keeping their course, I was looking and thinking-“when you gonna start blinking?” It didn’t blink, instead it just disappeared, maybe flew up higher. There were no clouds that evening. Commercial, military object, they blink.
Also, that strange thing happened to me in April this year. I woke up in the middle of the night, not sure the time.Looked up and right above my head started to see something like a shape of the head, whitish in color, not a human head, and then the eyes-beautiful green eyes, size of human eyes, just color like a green light bulbs staring at me. At first I thought I had some visual hallucinations, but no, I looked around my bedroom, my diffuser was still on, then I realized THIS was real. Everything inside me sunk from fear. Still staring at me, I asked “who are you? What do you want?” No answer, no message, nothing was done to my body, to my energy. It lasted about 10-15 seconds. And just dissolved in the air. I jumped to look outside of the window for any spaceships etc, but didn’t see anything unusual. There was just one thing in my head “I need to talk to Ellen, I need to talk to Ellen”. That’s Ellen Redd, or Psychic Ellen Redd on FB. I was never into UFOs too much, although never denied it. But since that event I am on it. Who know what else is coming.