Physicist Michio Kaku explains exactly what is happening and what is beyond the clouds. Let’s listen to it carefully until the end.
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We should ignore some of the ‘evidence’ because it isn’t scientific evidence, the latter being the most important of the two types of evidence. When claims about this issue are based on non-scientific evidence, and irrational, illogical claims, then people are deceived. Quite often it is self-deception. Photographic and video ‘evidence’ is not scientific evidence and is often evidence of something else, e.g., misinterpretation. More than 90% of what passes for ‘evidence’, or what some people classify as ‘proof’, is actually the result of misinterpretation. The result of non-scientists – even some scientists – not using established criteria and systematic research to draw a conclusion about what was seen or said (by someone else, usually) about alleged evidence/proof. It has resulted in mythmaking, and the myth believed over scientific evidence. What I am not advocating is the complete dismissal of the subject, what I am advocating is the use of better ways to determine whether something that was seen (or photographed) was in fact what the observer or photographer saw. I do not talk about this from no experience or the lack personal sightings, but rather from the perspective of someone who has seen many strange things. The one thing I do not do is make quantum leaps from what I saw to saying I know what I saw, because I do not know what I saw, and cannot use research tools to thoroughly research my experience and draw a conclusion that is scientific about what I saw.
Why does anyone think ETs are a threat?! WE are the violent species, if ETs were hostile we would have been exterminated after the 1st atomic bomb! Check out Unacknowledged or Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind. This false narrative will only fuel the military industrial complex. Tax payers money needs to be used to help people, not to kill.
We should ignore some of the ‘evidence’ because it isn’t scientific evidence, the latter being the most important of the two types of evidence. When claims about this issue are based on non-scientific evidence, and irrational, illogical claims, then people are deceived. Quite often it is self-deception. Photographic and video ‘evidence’ is not scientific evidence and is often evidence of something else, e.g., misinterpretation. More than 90% of what passes for ‘evidence’, or what some people classify as ‘proof’, is actually the result of misinterpretation. The result of non-scientists – even some scientists – not using established criteria and systematic research to draw a conclusion about what was seen or said (by someone else, usually) about alleged evidence/proof. It has resulted in mythmaking, and the myth believed over scientific evidence. What I am not advocating is the complete dismissal of the subject, what I am advocating is the use of better ways to determine whether something that was seen (or photographed) was in fact what the observer or photographer saw. I do not talk about this from no experience or the lack personal sightings, but rather from the perspective of someone who has seen many strange things. The one thing I do not do is make quantum leaps from what I saw to saying I know what I saw, because I do not know what I saw, and cannot use research tools to thoroughly research my experience and draw a conclusion that is scientific about what I saw.
Why does anyone think ETs are a threat?! WE are the violent species, if ETs were hostile we would have been exterminated after the 1st atomic bomb! Check out Unacknowledged or Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind. This false narrative will only fuel the military industrial complex. Tax payers money needs to be used to help people, not to kill.