It is a very good video of satellite/booster/space junk reentering. You can easily see it tumbling and by pausing/magnifying a few frames you’ll notice that it was breaking up as it’s falling.
That white thing following is just a UFO chasing it in… Gotcha!
…Space junk too.
fake as hell. it’s just a set of balloons. if you look at how hard the trees are blowing, it’s just a birthday party balloons that got free
Language ????
It is a very good video of satellite/booster/space junk reentering. You can easily see it tumbling and by pausing/magnifying a few frames you’ll notice that it was breaking up as it’s falling.
That white thing following is just a UFO chasing it in… Gotcha!
…Space junk too.
Very possibly a true sighting, seems similar to other orb-like objects seen around the world.