This tic-tac UFO was filmed in the daytime sky above Oregon City on 2nd November 2022.
Witness report: I was leaving my 2nd floor apartment when I noticed the bright white “thing” flying high in the sky. It was very bright white so I tried to see if it was a plane but it had no wings. Just a white object. No sound or trail. I immediately started recording with my phone so I could zoom in more. It did not have any specific features or distinguishable structure other then it’s long cylindrical shape and bright white color.

Real Fact youtube.com/watch?v=szJVi0s_JTw
There are no views on YouTube. Please help more people see, I’m not uploading to YouTube for money. Because of the abolition of nuclear weapons and the establishment of peace. A single-seater UFO is featured in this video.
Airplane. So what’s the CGI womans name? Is she single?