Huge and bright UFO was filmed just hovering above power station complex somewhere in south east United Kingdom back in July this year.
Witness report: Caught this light/sphere thing on my work cctv back in July. The whole video is about 5 minutes long. It goes from nothing and to there then stays there for a few minutes then disappeared. For reference it’s about a mile away. Directly below the ufo is a power station complex. It’s not a plane or drone as I checked flight radar. It’s not a flare as there was nothing visible in the sky to the naked eye. My coworker saw the same thing above the field behind my office last week. A light just hovered then disappeared. It’s a huge electrical substation thing. Basically you have the little bay, then a golf course, then the substation where the lights are. It’s about 1-2 miles as the crow flies. Just caught my eye that there was something in the sky there on the cctv that was live as I was watching it. I went outside to look and there wasn’t anything visible. I didn’t really think much of it until the other day when my colleague said he saw a light in the sky that just disappeared, kind of above and to the right of where the camera is looking.

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