3 glowing UFOs a couple blocks from the US capitol, Washington, D.C.


This interesting UFO video of a three glowing orbs hovering in the sky above Washington, DC was filmed last week. What do you think about this sighting?

Witness report: This was a remarkable sighting in person mannn , and Nooo it was not a lantern this object drew so much attention even people were pulling over cars to get out and record with us.

There have been a number of reported UFO sightings near the US Capitol building in Washington, D.C. These sightings have occurred both during the day and at night, and have been reported by a variety of witnesses, including government officials and members of the public. Some of the most well-known sightings include a 1957 incident in which a UFO was reportedly seen hovering near the Capitol building, and a 1952 incident in which several UFOs were spotted flying near the White House. While the existence of extraterrestrial life and the reality of UFO sightings remain highly debated and controversial, the US Capitol building has been the site of several notable UFO encounters.

Your opinion?
  • Real (7)
  • Fake (2)
  • Not Alien (0)


  1. How would a would be alien know that Washington DC is the Capital? Could it be the geometry of the city and it structures? They could ask the ones who are already here and in the know, but they are not necessarily friendly with information. Could just be tourist flying by on the way to the outer galactic arm…

  2. How would a would be alien know that Washington DC is the Capital? Could it be the geometry of the city and it structures? They could ask the ones who are already here and in the know, but they are not necessarily friendly with information. Could just be tourist flying by on the way to the outer galactic arm…

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