Check out this interesting UFO footage of irregular moving objects in space – filmed from Spain. Author of the YouTube video said: “I watch the night sky a lot with my LUNA Optics camera and am always hoping to see something that doesn’t move in a straight line. Well, here it is!”
This was filmed on 17th November 2022.

The moving light looks somewhat extended at right angles to the direction of travel, and that fact and the actual movement suggests a soaring bird – it executes a number of circles which hawks and such like frequently do to gain height.There may also be some sky-glow from the ground as can be seen from the clouds, which may be reflecting off the under surface of the bord making it more visible. Night flying birds, including soaring types are not uncommon and can easily be mistaken for something more exotic.
Great video, it’s good to know. Those taking these videos. Are keeping the videos Steady. ????????????
Might be a bird.
I’m scarry UFO pilot!
je lis certains commentaire et certains non pas leurs place ici enfin il est vrai que la vidéo est intéressante mais c’est quoi cette ballade que l’objet fait ?
I read some comments and some not their place here finally it is true that the video is interesting but what is this ballad that the object does?