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      • My son and his friend captured these photos in northern CO on route 287 south of the WY state line on 2/12 Sunday night at ~6:50 PM.


    1. Tempe AZ – 3/19/17 5 ufo’s for 90 minutes – we watched – then helicopters came and circled them.. got alot of pictures.

    2. I watched 2 bright star sized looking objects do one large circle over head. They were about 1000 meters apart and the circle they flew would have been a round trip of 25 plus kilometer. Then onle shot away out of the formation and disappears. The remaining object then flew smoothly thorough the sky in vertical diagonal and horizontal spurts for about 5 minutes before also disappearing. This was between 8pm and 9pm above Eastern suburbs Melbourne Australia(knoxfield.wantirna)

    3. found a strange group of light in a instagram post…
      the pic was taken in Italy (spilamberto, modena)…
      please take a look!!!

    4. We are Niagara-on-the-Lake (Ontario, Canada) residents living only a few doors up from its lakeside Ryerson Park.

      Last Thursday (March 23) evening around 10:40, I happened to spot an unusually large and bright light out over Lake Ontario. Thinking it to be a plane headed for Billy Bishop Airport or perhaps away from Toronto-Pearson, I went to dismiss it and carry on – until I noticed how oddly motionless it was.

      There being no helicopter sound to explain its stationary attitude, I made a direct line for the park, getting as close to Lake as possible. In the darkness there, I could see other lights rising, descending, zig-zagging and entering into and out of straight-line and triangular formations. Periodically, a light would descend out of view, seemingly into the Lake, only to re-emerge moments later in a bright yellow circular glow that quickly rejoined is companions as a smaller, more intense white orb.

      It didn’t take me long to race back to our house both to invite our son, Stephan, to come see this display (and hopefully tell me I wasn’t hallucinating) while also scrambling to gather my video equipment, hopefully to record some of this amazing event.

      Upon our arrival and set up, one of the objects flashed a bright red-orange for barely an instant and another, apparently an elongated sphere, moved eastward distancing itself from the rest as a lateral array of gemstone-like lights played back and forth across its centre. Stephan shot what he could with his iPhone while I did the best I could with my video camera – trying unsuccessfully to pair it up with my binoculars at one point attempting to overcome my telephoto lens’s limited range. (Not feasible in totally dark surroundings on an ad hoc, hand-held basis.)

      As the display began to peter out, we returned home to compile and examine our footage in hopes of being able to discover even more than just our eyes had seen – remarkable as that had been. That footage and our analysis are now on YouTube, accessible via the following link:

      • Myself and a family friend saw exactly what you’ve described on Sunday 31st May 2020..5pm.
        It was in daylight. It was as big as a 2 story house and had no stable shape to it. It was changing shape like fluid.. the colours remainded me of a Rubik cube..constantly twisting and turning. It went from stationary to fast to slow with no tail/noise.

    5. I JUST SAW 6 UFO’S !!!! At 10:15 P.M. tonight. Did anybody else see these?? They were going East. Towards New York. I am in Northwest Pennsylvania. At Pymatuning Lake. Two groups of three. One after the other. and super silent. They were like red spheres, or balls. There were two in each group that were playing around. Like zigzagging with each other. Performing impossible Physics. They were speeding up and slowing down. Moving around as they traveled.

    6. My name is Brendon Usher. I’m from Arcadia Valley Missouri, This morning at about 4:30 a.m. I seen a ball of fire very slowly move east. This has been going on for about a week now and it’s pretty freaky. I have a telescope and I’ve looked at it through that. My cousin described to me that there was a black dot circling it. From what I seen there was a ring around it. From the looks of it, you could tell that it wasn’t human.

    7. I don’t see a place to upload my photos. My neighbor got quite a shot of a UFO near Yachats, Oregon this week. Looks like an orb of light but has six lights under it in a symmetrical pattern (one in the center). It was right along the coast, over the ocean, way up. The person who took the photo is 75 years old and not at all tech-savvy. She didn’t even know she had it until she came home and noticed a tiny discoloration on the shot. I’ll just use Vendio and give you the links:

      I used my phone to take photos of the pics on her phone. Her screen is shattered. Has anyone ever seen one like that?

    8. About midnight of 10/11 june 2017 I was at Vila Real de Traz os Montes (Portugal), before going to bed in a hotel, I saw what it looked like hundreds of blinking lights surrounding the right side of a very bright moon. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There were hundreds of stationary lights while a row of lights were coming in that direction from my left side. Suddenly the lights at the right side of the moon started to move in the opposite direction, to left, and they all moved in a row, this time to the left.
      This happened in a matter of possibly 10-15 minutes.
      I never tried to capture it by the phone camera because the moon was so bright that the blinking lights couldn’t be seen. About 2 minutes after I started seeing the lights, I called a friend who was in other hotel room and he couldn’t believe too. Later on my friend discovered something in the internet that talked about wedding lanterns.
      There whas a wedding to happen at the hotel.
      The lights seemed very high and the movement looked strange althought the winds could be an explanation.

    9. was anyone else looking into space at 3:00 am july 5th here in Missouri? I was up to let my dog out to do his business, ( after all fire works quite down ) while I was waiting on him to get done. I looked straight up , and saw 2 round lights going east real slow staying the same distance apart from each other, then all at once they turned south and took off like bullets. ??? no sound , no vapor trails . I live in Kidder Missouri , Caldwell county. anyone besides me looking up at that time. there was some cloud cover, but was clear straight over kidder. I looked at it with bionoculars and it looked to be transparent between the lights. as it passed above the stars appeared as looking through wrinkled clear plastic. anyone else see this ????

    10. You’ve heard about “the Phoenix lights”, right? It’s the second most famous UFO incident after Roswell.
      Well, yesterday night we witnessed “the Giannitsa lights”. A series of bright, seemingly spherical, orange lights.
      They appeared and disappeared at random intervals with a subtle fade-in, fade-out effect. Sometimes there were just two of them adjacent, other times three or four.

    11. Right now over Phoenix AZ… HUGE SPACECRAFT!! Shooting beams of light.. My nephew is there – He says “It’s over South Mountain, but moving” He says “it keeps stopping and shooting beams of light then moves and repeats.”

    12. you might want to look at what I have been recording on video for the last year and a half in Thomas County Georgia

      Link for slowed UFO on 012618 at my residence

      Link for regular recorded speed 012618
      Link for still shot slide show of UFO on 012618 and other UFO’s recently recorded by me at my residence. I guess the next big event will be like right out of the movies huge mother ships parked over major metropolitan cities. LOL

    13. This video was shot in the fall of 2015 in central Russia.We observe a large number of strange objects in the sky. Their number is from 15 to 20 objects. They move with anticipation. Their number is horrifying. These are not satellites, these are not planes. Guys – 2015 !!!Let’s look at these objects after raising the brightness and contrast. Since 2015, the number of disasters began to increase rapidly. Who is it?

    14. Witnessed white cigar-shaped ufo in San Antonio, Tx. 4.28.2021 During a torrential rain and tornado warning. No…it wasn’t a Taco Truck!?

      • saw a white or silver cigar-shaped object the size of 4 to 5 planes in Canyon Lake AZ . It was moving too slow to stay in the air then after 30 to 45 seconds it Just Disappeared ! It did not fly away it just disappeared in an instant !

    15. See this article please:

    16. I got the most clearest video up close of floating orb and what appears to be a being looking at me from inside and it was a whole other world inside.

    17. Everytime I see a UFO or alien type of video or Picture o footage it’s never clear it’s always blurry or it’s just plain out fake but the video of the orb I have is clear and authentic not altered at all in no type of way and the being inside the orb is looking down at me as I look down at it

    18. saw 3 cigar shaped 25 yrs ago across from my house wife saw it too. mk1931 at—and my house burned down, from nicad exsplosion,—with all ,my ufo ,info in basement, =—very oodddd—-

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